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What to-do list and scheduling features does the app support? | ||||
CodaFull Details | FuseBaseFull Details | SupernotesFull Details | TiddlyWikiFull Details | |
Removed from list upon completion A task is automatically removed from the list, or can be configured to do so, once a task box is checked | ||||
Recurrence Set tasks to repeat on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis | ||||
Priority There exists a means by which one can designate a task as being "high priority" | ||||
Priority » UrgentThere exists a means to mark a task not only as "High priority," but "Urgent," which brings the additional implication that the task is to be completed soon. | ||||
Priority » ImportantThere exists the means to mark a task as "Important," implying the task should not be forgotten but needn't be done soon | ||||
Nesting/Sub-tasks Child tasks can be defined such that completing or hiding the parent task applies that same operation to all child tasks | ||||
Embeddable content Content can be contained in a task beyond standard markdown text/links | ||||
Embeddable content » PDFsA pdf file can be contained in a task beyond standard markdown/links | ||||
Embeddable content » VideoA video file can be contained in a task beyond standard markdown/links | ||||
Time estimate It's possible to set a task duration estimate | ||||
Snooze An option is provided to hide a task until a later date chosen | ||||
Stats Stats are available on past completed tasks | ||||
Nesting/Sub-tasks » CollapsibleIt's possible to "fold" or "contract" a group of tasks so that sub-tasks are hidden | ||||
Create a task from Slack A native integration option to translate content from Slack into an actionable task directly into the note app | ||||
Reminders An alert time can be associated with a task, or note, before it is due. (e.g., remind me 1 hour before task is due) | ||||
Movable en masse It's possible to move a batch of tasks from one note to another using drag and drop | ||||
Due date (aka "Start time") A specific date and time at which a task is scheduled to be addressed | ||||
Global task view There exists a means to view all tasks that have been created across a group of notes | ||||
Nesting/Sub-tasks » DraggableTask hierarchies, including parent tasks and their sub-tasks, can be dragged and repositioned within different sections or lists | ||||
Assignable An option exists to designate who is expected to complete a task | ||||
Limited checkbox tasks Text can be prefaced with a completable checkbox, but is not removed from the task list when completed | ||||
Batch complete Multiple sibling tasks or checkboxes can be marked complete en masse | ||||
Keyboard shortcut "Quick Add" (desktop) A hotkey allows entering a new note or task while in the midst of using any desktop app | ||||
Quick (fast) mobile task adding When the mobile app is opened, no more than two taps are ever necessary to add a new task | ||||
Recurrence » Only WeekendsRecurring tasks can be restricted to only occur on weekends | ||||
Recurrence » Only WeekdaysRecurring tasks can be restricted to only occur on weekdays | ||||
Create a task from email A native integration to translate an external email into an actionable task directly into the note app | ||||
Embeddable content » ImagesAn image (jpeg, png, gif, etc) can be contained in a task beyond standard markdown/links | ||||
Recurrence » Flexible recurrenceSet tasks to repeat at a chosen interval after each completion (e.g., exercise every 2 days after you last exercised) | ||||
Quick (fast) desktop task adding When the desktop app is opened, no more than two clicks are ever necessary to add a new task |